Dr Shocks' wiki!
VIP2 Symposium: "On Speaking Terms", Workshop: Verpleegkundigen en sociale media: vloek of vooruitgang?
Het interactieve brein, workshop De interactieve psychiater. Bijblijven met Internet en het gebruik van sociale
media. Symposium Het Interactieve Brein, GGNet te Apeldoorn
Critical Appraised Topics residency training psychiatry at the Erasmus MC department of psychiatry
De opleiding tot psychiater in het Erasmus MC te Rotterdam
New page for my next course on the Voorjaarscongres van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie called: Bijblijven met Internet
Busy collecting material for Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs, for more information see this website of the economic faculty of the EUR
Lecture on ECT for lay public on the Publieksdag in honor of the 140th birthday of the Dutch Association of Psychiatry
Yearly theoretical course on ECT during the annual conference of the Dutch Association of Psychiatry in Amsterdam on March 30th 2011, technical aspects of ECT
Invitational conference ECT march 24, 2011. Organized by the Dutch Workingroup on ECT (WEN). Audit model ECT, the motivation for this ausit model: my presentation
Interview about Electro convulsive therapy in "Vrij Nederland", a Dutch magazine, on November 20th 2010.
Course on Information Trapping voor psychiatrists (Bijblijven met Internet) on the yearly conference of the Dutch Association of Psychiatry in Maastricht (2010)
ECT course for psychiatrists and residents on the yearly conference of the Dutch Association of Psychiatry in Maastricht (2010), The Netherlands. Slides
Since 1-1-2010 head of the department of psychiatry ad interim at the Erasmus MC. Director of psychiatric residency training, Director of psychiatric medical education, Medical Superintendent (geneesheer-directeur).
Attended the course: Editing medical journals - short course. The course was held in Oxford, November 18-20 2009.
This two-day course, now in its eleventh year, looks at the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to run a successful publication.
By the end of the course participants will be able to…
1. understand the roles of editor in relation to the journal owner/publisher, their authors, and the public
2. identify strategies for succeeding in print and electronic publishing,
3. use a range of techniques to increase the chances of the journal being read and understood,
4. set up copy flow and reviewing systems that will meet the needs of journal, authors and readers,
5. apply a range of techniques to attract - and keep - high calibre authors,
6. understand and meet ethical responsibilities to a number of different publics,
7. have a clear action plan for the coming year.
Since september 2008 editor of the Dutch/Flemish Journal of Psychiatry, and also contributor on Twitter for the journal
Recent interview in Dutch national newspaper: De Volkskrant about the new ECT guidelines.
Recent interview about Electroconvuslive therapy in Psy, here is the PDF in Dutch
The book: Electroconvulsive and Neuromodulation Therapies edited by Conrad M. Swartz is out. Contributed Electroconvulsive therapy in continental Western Europe with Pascal Sienaert MD, psychiatrist, University Psychiatric Center-Catholic University Leuven (campus Kortenberg) from Belgium and Postelectroconvulsive therapy evaluation and prophylaxis together with Tom K. Birkenhager MD PhD, psychiatrist, Erasmus MC Rotterdam The Netherlands.
Attended 3 workshops on Verhalen in wetenschap en onderwijs and 3 workshops on Onderwijs en de techniek van het theater by RISBO
ECT course for psychiatrists and residents on the yearly conference of the Dutch Association of Psychiatry in Groningen, The Netherlands. Slides
Lecture about ECT for Nationaal Anesthesiecongres from Nederlandse Vereniging van Anesthesiemedewerkers on January 17th 2009.
Interview in Psy about the use of social media and physicians, here is the PDF in Dutch
Interview about my blog: Dr Shock MD PhD in Medisch Contact March 2008.
De dia's en aantekeningen voor de cursus ECT, State of the Art. Deze cursus vindt plaats op vrijdag 3 april 2009, van 8.30 tot 11.30 in het Martini Plaza te Groningen tijdens het voorjaars congres van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie. Notes Technische Aspecten van ECT

For published articles about depression and electroconvulsive therapy follow this link: Articles
For book reviews follow this link: Book Reviews
For presentations about depression and electroconvulsive therapy follow this link: Presentations
For the many applications of a wiki by educators: Educators wiki on Pbwiki
For symposia follow this link: Symposia
For the medblog of Dr Shock, MD PhD please visit http://www.shockmd.com.
This is the personal blog of a Dutch psychiatrist working in a University hospital. His specialty in psychiatry is the treatment of depression. This explains his interest in electroconvulsive therapy and the development of new forms of neurostimulation for the treatment of depression.
He is also involved in medical education. He does research in the treatment and neuroscience of depression. He mostly writes about these topics on this blog for fun and to keep up with recent developments.
Besides writing about his work he also writes about other subjects that (neuro)stimulates him such as chocolate, computer gaming, gadgets, and Internet.
The postings are based on what I want to write about and what I feel will be interesting to read.
For the European Forum For ECT (EFFECT) see: http://www.theeffect.eu/
For The ECT Accreditation Service ECTAS visit this new page: ECTAS
E-Portfolio This is a 'living document', it is a kind of curriculum vitae getting updated when necessary. I would be really pleased to get feedback about the construction of this ePortfolio or any other matters. Please feel free to contact me by email.
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